Explore All Our Holistic Healing Services

Whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments, or emotional distress, or simply yearn for a greater sense of inner peace and vitality, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way. Our team is composed of highly trained professionals who are passionate about empowering individuals to take an active role in their own healing process.

We offer a diverse range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. From table work such as Reiki, Coding, tapping, and traditional Chinese medical qigong to breathing techniques, energy healing, nutritional counseling, and mindfulness practices, our modalities are carefully selected to provide a holistic approach that nourishes and restores your entire being. Each session is designed to create a healing space where you can relax, rejuvenate, and tap into your body's natural healing intelligence.

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Reiki is an ancient Japanese art of relaxation and stress reduction. The reiki healing modality sends abundant amounts of 528 HZ energy into your body. This is also the vibration of unconditional love.

We have 2 reiki masters in-house. Allowing us to do couple sessions!

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Medical Qigong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese work that purges, tonify, and regulates your energy fields. This powerful energy healing makes large transformational changes and provides daily practices to support your changes.

holistic healing services and energy healing

Energy Infused Meditiation

Energy-infused meditation is a heightened mediation experience to provide true insight and exploration of yourself. Mediation in any form can provide peace and a general leveling of your life and the harmony you experience. This healing mediation provides this self-love and awareness in a powerful space.

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Sound Therapy

In a Sound Therapy, we use many instruments to provide guests with a vibrational experience. Each of the instruments is curated for a personal experience to open and balance your chakra energy centers. For more focused healing, we offer these as personal sessions or group settings of 3-40 people.

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Emotion and Body Code

Emotion and Body Code is the rapid process of releasing emotional, mental, and physical baggage. When the processing of an experience is interrupted it can cause that emotion and its vibrational energy to get trapped in your body. Coding helps identify the trapped energy, and release it without having to relive the experience.

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Distance Sessions

Energy is not bound by space and time the way our physical bodies are. Because of this many modalities work from anywhere in the world. We perform distance reiki, qigong, breathwork, and emotion/body code sessions. The experience is impressive as you feel the healing energy at work.

holistic healing services and energy healing


By consciously regulating our breath, we can release stagnant energy, reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity, and cultivate a deep sense of relaxation and presence. Breathwork serves as a bridge between our conscious and unconscious mind, allowing us to access buried emotions, trauma, and limiting beliefs, and facilitating their release for profound personal transformation.

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Classes and Trainings

In addition to individual sessions, we also offer classes and trainings. After experiencing your own healing, it is the natural path to want to help and serve others. Join us to learn and empower yourself to continue on your path.

From reiki certifications to cooking classes we are always interested in sharing.